Organized by ORASAM and Department of International Relations, the first part of the Seminar on “Grand National Assembly of Turkey: History, Structure, Administrative Apparatus and Career Opportunities” was held on 22nd of April, 2022.
In the Seminar, Legislation Expert Mehmet Yahya ÇİÇEKLİ, Visiting Researcher at ORASAM discussed the following topics:
۞ Establishment of GNAT and GNAT During Independence
۞ Buildings of GNAT
۞ Basic Legislation on GNAT
۞ Structure Of GNAT Thoughout History
During the seminar, following subjects were undertaken; conditions around the time of establishment of GNAT, legislative terms, parliamentary elections, bicameral period of parliament, changes in number of seats of parliament, function and legal position of Rules of Procedure of GNAT, former rules of procedures, Laws on GNAT etc.