Over 3.3 trillion tenge was invested in housing construction in Kazakhstan.
This was announced by the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beibut Atamkulov during a Government meeting, Kazpravda.kz reports . "Within the framework of the Nurly Zher program, 33.5 million square meters of new housing have been built since 2017. About 300 thousand families have improved their living conditions. 6 tenge of private investments have been attracted for 1 tenge of public funds invested. In total, more than 3 have been invested in housing construction, 3 trillion tenge, "Atamkulov informed. According to him, the positive dynamics of growth in housing commissioning volumes remains on average by 9-10%. Investments increased annually by an average of 18%.
“In 2018, 12.5 million square meters of housing, or 0.68 square meters per inhabitant of the republic were commissioned. This is the highest figure among the CIS countries. The provision with housing per person has reached 21.9 square meters. Our goal is to bring to 30 square meters by 2030, "the minister added.