
The European Union presents its vision of partnership with Central Asia and updates the strategy of interaction with the region from 2007.

The Joint Communiqué, adopted on May 15 by the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, outlines a new look at strengthening partnerships with five Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This is happening at a key moment for developing Euro-Asian relations, when some countries of the region are reforming and opening up to the world, and regional cooperation has received a new impetus. EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said: “Central Asia has always been an important region, given its history, culture and the role of the bridge between East and West. Today, on the background of positive internal and regional dynamics, as well as growing global challenges that require strengthening of the partnership, it is becoming increasingly strategic. Persistence and prosperity will be pillars of our cooperation with Central Asia, as well as support for sustainable development and reforms for the benefit of our citizens ”

  EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimitz added that the European Union is the leading development partner of Central Asia, and the amount of assistance provided to the region for the rule of law, border management, trade facilitation, protection of the environment and water resources for 2014-2020 years will exceed 1 billion euros. He said: “Within the framework of the renewed partnership, we want to strengthen cooperation with the Central Asian countries, help them to establish ties with each other, make the region more stable and prosperous.”

The joint communique proposes to focus the future efforts of the EU in Central Asia on two aspects:

  • Partnership in the name of stability through enhancing the ability of Central Asian countries to overcome internal and external difficulties, as well as to carry out reforms.
  • Partnership for prosperity by modernizing the economy, developing sustainable relationships and investing in the younger generation.

At the 15th joint meeting of EU and Central Asian foreign ministers to be held on July 7 in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Federica Mogherini and Neven Mimitz plan to officially present the new EU Strategy for Central Asia to their colleagues.
