According to the data provided by the National Statistical Committee of Republic of Kyrgyzstan, 6.9 thousand individual residential buildings with a total area of 788.3 thousand square meters were commissioned in In January - October 2019.
The figure is increased by 9.7% than from 2018. The commissioning of individual residential buildings increased in all regions, except, Batken Oblast and the city of Osh. The most significant growth was in the Jalal-Abad Oblast (by 19.7%) and Bishkek (by 19.3%).
The main share of the introduced individual housing was in Osh, Jalal-Abad, Chui regions and Bishkek.
The average size of the built individual house was about 115 square meters. The largest area of the house is in Bishkek (159 square meters), Osh (130 square meters) and Talas region (122 square meters), the smallest - in Osh (100 square meters) and Jalal-Abad region (103 square meters).