

According to the data provided by the National Statistical Committee of Republic of Kyrgyzstan, 6.9 thousand individual residential buildings with a total area of ​​788.3 thousand square meters were commissioned in In January - October 2019.

The figure is increased by 9.7% than from 2018. The commissioning of individual residential buildings increased in all regions, except, Batken Oblast and the city of Osh. The most significant growth was in the Jalal-Abad Oblast (by 19.7%) and Bishkek (by 19.3%).

The main share of the introduced individual housing was in Osh, Jalal-Abad, Chui regions and Bishkek.

The average size of the built individual house was about 115 square meters. The largest area of ​​the house is in Bishkek (159 square meters), Osh (130 square meters) and Talas region (122 square meters), the smallest - in Osh (100 square meters) and Jalal-Abad region (103 square meters).
