
The volume of mutual trade between Kyrgyzstan and Germany during 10 months in 2019 amounted to $ 57.76 million, which is 10% less than it was in 2018. For the same period in 2018, the volume of trade between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany amounted to $ 64.12 million.

The volume of export deliveries of Kyrgyzstan to Germany between January and October in 2019 amounted to 5.8 million US dollars, and imports from Germany to Kyrgyzstan - 51.96 million US dollars. For the same period in 2018, the volume of export deliveries from Kyrgyzstan to Germany amounted to 5.31 million US dollars, and imports from Germany to Kyrgyzstan - 58.81 million US dollars. There are overall 150 joint Kyrgyz-German enterprises in Kyrgyzstan.

In 9 months period of 2019, the volume of foreign investment in Kyrgyzstan amounted to 2 million 860.1 thousand dollars, while the amount from foreign direct investment was 3 million 273.3 thousand dollars. For the six months period  in 2018, the volume of foreign direct investment from Germany to Kyrgyzstan was 8 million 128 thousand US dollars.

Kyrgyz-German companies operate in various economic sectors: trade, manufacturing, tourism, power engineering, service sector and others. Germany has focused its direct investments on processing manufacture, agriculture and trade.
