Kyrgyzstan State Construction Directorate Manager Timur Fayziyev said in an interview with Kaktus.media that Turkish experts will take part in the development of the future Asman city concept.
At the current stage, the project includes urbanists, environmentalists, geologists, architects and other professionals. Timur Fayziyev: Experts from Istanbul University in Turkey work closely with us. For example, Serdar Karadağ, an urban planner from Turkey and owner of the international bureau of SKY Urban Development Management, recently came to Bishkek from Turkey to participate in the development of the concept. He added that once the concept is developed and agreed with all the authorities, the construction of the city will begin.
Moreover, according to the estimations of Director Timur Faziyev, the construction work will be financed by investment and will take up to ten years to complete.