According to preliminary data provided by the National Statistical Committee, the inflow of foreign direct investment in 2021 increased by 29.9% compared to 2020.
In 2021, the volume of investments amounted to more than $698 million. At the same time, the inflow exceeded the outflow level by $247.5 million.
In the structure of foreign direct investment, compared with the previous year, there was an increase in the inflow of all components, with the exception of loans received from non-residents and other payables.
The bulk of foreign direct investment (about 97%) is directed to manufacturing enterprises, geological exploration, mining, financial intermediation and insurance, information and communications, as well as wholesale and retail trade.
The volume of investments directed to geological exploration increased 2.7 times, wholesale and retail enterprises - 1.6 times, information and communications - by 20.2%, financial intermediation and insurance - by 19%, mining - by 14.3%, manufacturing - by 7.2%, while investments in construction decreased by 4.3 times.
The volume of foreign direct investment from non-CIS countries increased by 8.7% compared to 2020, mainly due to their growth. For example, from Germany - increased by 8.4 times (manufacturing, financial intermediation and insurance), Turkey - by 4.2 times (mining, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade), Great Britain – by 2 times (exploration), Cyprus - 2.6 times (manufacturing), China – by 1.7 times (exploration, manufacturing, wholesale and retail).
China (33.4%), Turkey (14.7%), the Netherlands (8%), Great Britain (7.6%) and Germany (4.4%) account for the largest share in the total volume of incoming foreign direct investment.