Specialists of Turkey will help to open a certification body for organic products of international Organic standard in Kyrgyzstan. This was announced today at a press conference at the Kabar agency by the director of the Department of Organic Agriculture Sagynbek Tursunaliev.
The timing of the opening of the laboratory is still unknown, since the country has not yet approved the legislative framework for its work. According to Tursunaliev, a new bill on organic products has been developed in Kyrgyzstan, which has not yet passed through the Jogorku Kenesh. Before its approval, the current law does not allow to actively promote organic products of Kyrgyzstan abroad and contribute to an increase in its production in the country.
"After the approval of the new law, it is planned to open a certification body. The accreditation of its laboratory has already been prepared. As soon as the law passes, experts will arrive from Turkey and start working there on issuing a certificate of organic products of international standard. This will allow our farmers to expand export opportunities," said the head of the Department of Organic Agriculture.
Today there are only seven enterprises in Kyrgyzstan that have such a certificate in their hands. They received the document abroad. Four of them are located in the Jalal-Abad region. They export walnut and its oil, prunes, vegetables and fruits, cotton and various types of agricultural products. There is also one certified enterprise in Talas, which supplies beans to Europe, and one enterprise for drying medicinal plants operates in the Issyk-Kul region.
"Recently, another company received an organic certificate for wool. We will register it soon," Tursunaliev concluded.