France and Uzbekistan, despite the geographical distance, a different way of the economy and life in general, are somewhat similar. Both countries are seeking to strengthen their position in the region and are active in foreign policy.

It was not by chance that Macron and Mirziyoyev discussed political issues of the regional and international agenda, including the problems of security and the fight against terrorism, at the talks in the Elysee Palace. Macron altogether turned the fight against terrorism into a French diplomatic priority. Victory over terrorism depends on Uzbekistan, which took over the functions of resolving the conflict in Afghanistan. Judging by a number of signs, France can become for Uzbekistan a guide to the Western world and one of the first political and economic European partner.

Director of the MGIMO Analytical Center, Doctor of Political Sciences Andrei Kazantsev noted that "France is one of the strongest countries in Europe that play a decisive role in the European Union, where the German-French tandem has been formed, and France has a certain interest in Central Asia since the early 1990's. Now, as the French people admit, they are rediscovering Uzbekistan. The interest of the French business in the rapidly growing economy of Uzbekistan is increasing. And all this is due to the positive changes taking place both in this country and in Central Asia as a whole.

Tashkent’s interest in France is obvious, Kazantsev believes, and it lies in the fact that Mirziyoyev opens Uzbekistan to the world. The expert said that there is a pragmatism in this, since the republic needs investments to accelerate economic growth. To this end, the country is carrying out certain political liberalization, improving its international image. All this creates opportunities for attracting investments. European investors can play a certain role in this matter.