The main boom of visiting the neighboring country Uzbekistan by the citizens of Tajikistan occurred after in the second half of March of the current year. Because Dushanbe and Tashkent signed an agreement on mutual visa-free trips of citizens of the two states for a period of 30 days.

According to statistics, in January-September of the outgoing year Uzbekistan was visited by about 1 million 165 thousand citizens of Tajikistan. During the same period, Tajikistan was visited by about 1 million 253 thousand citizens of Uzbekistan, a source in the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan told AP.

In January-September 2018 the number of arrivals of foreign citizens in Uzbekistan amounted to 4666,5 thousand people, which is 2,3 times more compared to the same period last year.

Kazakhstan is the leader in the countries from which there is a flow of foreign citizens to Uzbekistan. This is 40.2% of the total number of all foreign citizens. Then Tajikistan is 24.8%, Kyrgyzstan is 16.7%, Russia is 7.4% of the total flow of foreign citizens.

The countries of the far abroad visited Uzbekistan was dominated by Turkey 1.1% of foreign citizens, followed by China 0.6%, South Korea 0.5%, India, Germany, Japan  by 0.3%, respectively.

From January till September 2018, the number of departing citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan reached 10 812 people, which is 2,1 times more than last year.

In the reporting period, 53.4% of Uzbekistan citizens went to Kazakhstan, 22.2% to Kyrgyzstan, 11.6% to Tajikistan and 8.2% to Russia. 1.3% of the citizens of Uzbekistan went to foreign countries, in particular to Turkey, 0.6% to South Korea, 0.3% to the United Arab Emirates, 0.2% to China, Saudi Arabia and India.