Uzbekistan is expected to be among the top 20 countries in the World Bank Ease of Business report by 2022. The government foresees to improve the country's position in the World Bank easing report by 2022, setting the new "roadmap" and "ease of Doing Business-2022" targets.
According to the presidential decree signed by Uzbekistan President on “Improving Uzbekistan's position in the Annual Report on Ease of doing business of World Bank and International Financial Institution, Uzbekistan will be among the top 20 countries in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business report by 2022.
According to the decree, as a result of research conducted in the last 5 years in the World Bank’s Doing Business report, Uzbekistan improved its conditions and rose from 146 to 76th place, but there are still excessive bureaucratic procedures regarding construction permits, property registration and foreign trade operations.
The decree and the World Bank's Doing Business annual report approved a new roadmap to further improve the situation in Uzbekistan, and the Doing Business 2022 goals were defined, which include the work that the country will carry out within this framework.
According to this, starting from March 1 of this year, the registration of companies and opening of bank accounts, building permits, connection of enterprises to power grids, registration of property and foreign trade operations will be further simplified.
The National Agency for Project Management under the President will work on the implementation of these goals set by the government and will create the in Uzbekistan website for “Doing Business”