The Government of Tajikistan, in cooperation with development partners, implements 17 public investment projects in the field of water supply to the population in the amount of 2.4 billion somoni.
According to the relevant departments of the state, by the beginning of the current year about 50% of this amount had been disbursed.
While over 70% of the population of Tajikistan lives in rural areas, more than 80% of the funds are directed to the development of network water supply of district and city centers.
Earlier it was reported that fresh water is provided to more than 60% of the population of the republic. This was made possible through the implementation of a number of projects in the field of water supply through loans and grant funds from international financial organizations and some countries.
Several years ago it was reported that in order to fully provide all 4,884 populated areas of the republic with drinking water, more than $ 2 billion is needed.