Last year, foreign investors invested $ 645 million in the economy of Tajikistan, of which more than half are direct investments.
The State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan reports that in 2018 Tajikistan attracted foreign investments in the amount of 6.1 billion somoni or $ 645 million, of which 3 billion or $ 326 million are foreign direct investments. In general, currently 69 investment projects are being implemented in the republic which is in total 30.5 billion somoni or $ 3.23 billion.
Among them, 23 grant projects, 12 credit and 34 projects are with mixed financing.
From the beginning of implementation of these projects until January 1 of this year, half of the total amount- 15.5 billion somoni ($ 1.64 billion) of these projects has been disbursed.
In particular, last year 3.9 billion somoni ($ 418.6 million) has been disbursed, which is 96% of the planned volume.
The implemented projects are financed by the Asian Development Bank ($ 743 million), the World Bank ($ 594 million), China Eximbank ($ 467 million), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ($ 403 million), the Islamic Development Bank ($ 148.6 million) and by others.