About 17.9 billion Somoni (more than $ 1.8 billion at the official exchange rate) amounted to the volume of Tajikistan’s GDP for the four months of this year.

As reported by "Avesta" in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the country, GDP growth amounted to 7.3% compared with the same period in 2018 in comparable prices. In the structure of GDP, industry dominates most - 12.3%, investment funds and construction - 10.9%, agriculture (hunting and forestry, fishing and fish farming) - 9.5% and general trade - 9.7%. Since the beginning of this year, the volume of industrial production, including energy, amounted to more than 7.6 billion somoni. This figure in agriculture amounted to more than 1.9 billion somoni. For the current year Tajikistan’s GDP is planned in the amount of 78.2 billion somoni ($ 8.2 billion).
