In January-September 2019, Tajikistan imported 77.1 million cubic meters of natural gas from Uzbekistan.
In a statement made by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, in the first 9 months of this year, it was reported that 77.1 million cubic meters of natural gas was imported from Uzbekistan for 9.8 million dollars.
During this period, Uzbekistan's natural gas, which is mostly used by heavy industry enterprises, will be presented to the consumption of citizens after the modernization of the natural gas distribution network in Tajikistan.
Uzbekistan exported 54 million cubic meters last year to Tajikistan, where it started to supply natural gas again in April 2018. The government of Tajikistan is planning to purchase about 200 million cubic meters of natural gas from Uzbekistan this year. Tajikistan authorities pay 120 US dollars per thousand cubic meters of natural gas to Uzbekistan.
After 9 years of stagnation in relations between the two countries, with the return to normal relations, Tajikistan started exporting electricity to Uzbekistan last year and Uzbekistan began to import natural gas to Tajikistan.
In Uzbekistan, an average of 60 billion cubic meters of natural gas is produced annually, a significant portion of it is consumed within the country, and 10-12 billion cubic meters of natural gas is exported to China, Russia and other countries.
Kaynak: http://kabar.kg/tur/news/ozbekistan-tacikistana-9-8-milyon-dolarl-k-gaz-satt/