
The national Bank of Tajikistan in 2019 increased the reserves of monetary gold in foreign exchange reserves by 22.4% - up to 27.3 tons, Prime reports.

"Last year, the national Bank bought 5 tons of gold, this year we plan to buy 6 tons", said the head of the national Bank of Tajikistan Jamshed Nurmukhammadzoda at a press conference in Dushanbe. Tajikistan's total foreign exchange reserves increased by 15.2% in 2019, exceeding $ 1.479 billion as of January 1, 2020.

Acording to the subsoil users of Tajikistan in 2019 the production of gold increased in comparison to the previous year by 26.2% - up to 8.1 tons. The main gold mining company in the country is the Tajik — Chinese joint venture Zarafshon, which accounts for about 70% of the gold produced. In Tajikistan there are only 10 gold mining  enterprises, the largest:  joint ventures "Zarafshon", "Aprelevka", state enterprise "Tilloi Tojik", artel "Odina" and company "Pakrut".
