FE “Batly Gadam” is the largest manufacturer of sock products in the country that meets European quality standards.
A young enterprise in the domestic textile industry of Turkmenistan, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Batly Gadam FE, is making successful steps towards the global market, competing with other similar enterprises. It is reported by the online radio " "Voice of the CIS."Voice of the CIS."
The design capacity of the new factory located in the city of Balkanabat of the Balkan province is 6 thousand tons of yarn and 18 million pairs of socks per year. At the same time, 90% of the yarn (5400 tons) is exported, and the remaining 10% is used in the manufacture of socks. The “geography” of export is systematically expanding. Today, yarn is supplied to Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Iran. Hosiery from 100% environmentally friendly cotton is very popular in Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and neighboring Iran.
We add that in Turkmenistan, in solving the state task of accelerating the transition from the position of a country of raw material supplier to the position of a major global producer and exporter of finished products, a special place is given to the development of the textile industry. This industry is one of the youngest and most promising, including in terms of export opportunities. Representatives of private business make their significant contribution to this work.